Journal article „Schuldenhilfen als Instrument zur Bekämpfung kommunaler Haushaltsprobleme – ein europaweiter Vergleich“

Article by Dr. Christian Person


The journal article „Schuldenhilfen als Instrument zur Bekämpfung kommunaler Haushaltsprobleme – ein europaweiter Vergleich“ by Dr. Christian Person has been published in the current volume of Verwaltung & Management (issue 2/2020). The paper first discusses arguments in favour or opposed to a bailout of local debt. Then the paper presents the experiences of the German Länder with regard to municipal bailouts before giving an overview of the use of this instrument in several European countries. A special focus is given to the Netherlands which have been implementing an institutionalized bailout system at the local level for decades. On this basis, recommendations for the adequate design of municipal bailouts are derived.