Christina-Marie Juen
Picture: IfP

Dr. Christina-Marie Juen

Research Associate (leave of absence)


work +49 6151 16-57345

Work S3|12 538
Residenzschloss 1
64283 Darmstadt

Christina-Marie Juen has been working as a research associate in the field of “Comparative Politics and German Government” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Christian Stecker since March 2022. Her research mainly focuses on political attitudes and political behavior of voters and party elites at the national and local level. In addition, she focuses on the influence of populism and populist attitudes on voters, candidates and parties.

Research interests

  • Political Attitudes
  • Electoral Behavior
  • Candidate Selection
  • Local Politics
Since 03/2022 Research Assistant in the area “Comparative Politics and German Government" at TU Darmstadt
10/2016 – 03/2019 Research Assistant at the University of Oldenburg
02/2018 – 04/2021 PhD at the University of Oldenburg,
Thesis: “Challenges to Democratic Representation: Party Competition, Party Elites, and Voters in Times of Populism”
10/2011 – 10/2016 BA and MA in Political Science at the University of Salzburg

Consultation Hour

By appointment, via email.

Juen, Christina-Marie, Michael Jankowski, Robert A. Huber, Torren Frank, Leena Maas and Markus Tepe (2021). Who wants COVID-19 Vaccination to be Compulsory? The Impact of Party Cues, Left-Right Ideology and Populism, in: Politics, online first.

Juen, Christina-Marie, Markus Tepe and Michael Jankowski (2021). Abstiegserfahrungen in der Kommune und der Aufstieg Unabhängiger Wählergemeinschaften. Neue Befunde aus einem Mehrebenen-Kommunalwahlpanel. in: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 52/1, 59-77.

Jankowski, Michael, Christina-Marie Juen and Markus Tepe (2020). The Impact of Anti-Establishment Parties on the Electoral Success of Independent Local Lists. Evidence from Germany, in: Party Politics, online first.

Jankowski, Michael, Christina-Marie Juen, Florian Erlbruch and Markus Tepe (2019). NieKom. Eine neue Datenbasis für die kommunale Wahl- und Policyforschung in Niedersachsen, in: dms – der moderne staat, 12/2, 465-471