Soziotechnische Bewertung von Kraft-Wärme Kälte-Kopplungssystemen für den Gebäudesektor

The generation of heat and cooling is usually decentralized. The use of renewable energy will probably extend this trend towards decentralization, with new stakeholders such as owners, residents, or planners becoming more involved in decision-making. From a techno-economic perspective, technical applications based on hydrogen are particularly promising in the form of Hydrogen-cogeneration (H2-CHP, H2-CCHP). The necessary technologies are well developed and can be evaluated according to formal criteria. However, especially in decentralized applications, not only technological-economic factors but also informal criteria, e.g. stakeholder knowledge about technologies, play an important role. The project combines a techno-economic multi-pole system analysis (MPSA) with a social science stakeholder analysis and focuses particularly on the interface between MPSA and stakeholder analysis. It will develop a methodology for the integration of informal criteria, in this case cognitive and evaluative attitudes of stakeholders towards H2-CCHP, into formal engineering approaches. The integration of both approaches will be brought together in an assessment system, on which base proposals for suitable policy instruments will be suggested.

Funding institution: FiF – TU Darmstadt

Funding period: 05/2021 – 06/2022

Funding budget: € 60.000,00

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt
Chair | Project Leader
Comparative Politics and European Integration
+49 6151 16-57353
S3|12 439
Picture: P. Pelz
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter F. Pelz
Project Partner
Chair of Fluid Systems
L1|01 465
Past employees
Tom Sauer M.A.
Research Associate
Comparative Politics and European Integration
Academic staff
Benedict Depp M.Sc.
Research Associate
Chair of Fluid Systems
L1|01 473