Michèle Knodt
Picture: IfP

Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt

Chair | Project Leader

Research Group "Comparative Politics and European Integration"

Consultation hour

Please send an E-Mail to Prof. Knodt.


Current Courses

SoSe 2024

02-03-0039-se Simulation von europäischen Entscheidungsprozessen

02-03-0144-fs Hydrogen and nuclear lobbying in the EU

02-03-0146-vl Regieren in der EU

02-03-0035-ko Forschungskolloquium für MA-Studierende (Knodt)

02-03-8999-ku Mentorenprogramm (Knodt)

02-23-0155-bs Begleitetes Selbststudium (Knodt)

WiSe 2023/24

02-03-0034-vl Governance

02-03-0039-se The European Union's Foreign Policy and the Middle East

02-03-0159-se Energiewende gestalten

02-03-0035-ko Forschungskolloquium für MA-Studierende (Knodt)

02-23-0155-bs Begleitetes Selbststudium (Knodt)

SoSe 2023

02-03-0146-vl Regieren in der EU (Vorlesung)

02-03-0012-ps Energiepolitik im Europäischen Vergleich

02-03-0163-se Simulation von europäischen Entscheidungsprozessen

02-03-8999-ku Mentorenprogramm (Knodt)

02-23-0155-bs Begleitetes Selbststudium (Knodt)

WiSe 2022/23

Research semester

SoSe 2022

02-03-0146-vl Regieren in der EU (Vorlesung)

02-03-0160-se Public Policies im Vergleich

02-03-0035-ko Forschungskolloquium für MA-Studierende (Knodt)

WiSe 2021/22

02-03-0008-ps German Politics I

02-03-0034-vl Governance

02-03-0035-ko Research colloquium for M.A. students I

02-03-0041-se Governance as “Steuerung”

02-03-0145-fs Student Research Project II

02-03-8999-ku Mentorenprogramm

SoSe 2021

02-03-0146-vl Governance in the E.U.

02-03-0159-se Policy fields

02-03-0144-fs Student Research Project I

Research colloquium for M.A. students I

WiSe 2020/21

02-03-0034-vl Governance

02-03-0041-se Energiewende gestalten

02-03-0147-se EU, European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and Eastern Mediterranean

02-03-0035-ko Forschungskolloquium für MA-Studierende

SoSe 2020

02-03-0040-se Public Policies in Multi-Level Systems

02-03-0146-vl Governance in the E.U.

02-03-0159-se Policy fields

02-03-0035-ko Forschungskolloquium für MA-Studierende

WiSe 2019/20

02-03-0009-ps German Politics II

02-03-0147-se Governance in the E.U.

02-03-0034-vl Governance

02-03-0035-ko Forschungskolloquium für MA-Studierende

SoSe 2019

02-03-0008-ps Political System of Germany I

02-03-0146-vl Regieren in der EU

WiSe 2018/19

02-03-0008-ps Political System of Germany I

02-03-0009-ps Political System of Germany II

02-03-0034-vl Governance

02-03-0040-se Public Policies in Multi-Level Systems

SoSe 2018

02-03-0008-ps Political System of Germany I

02-03-0009-ps Political System of Germany II

02-03-0041-se Governance as “Steuerung”

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt
Chair | Project Leader
Comparative Politics and European Integration
+49 6151 16-57353
S3|12 439
apl. Prof. Dr. Kai Schulze
Junior Research Group Leader
Junior Research Group Clean Circles, Comparative Politics and European Integration
+49 6151 16-57340
S3|13 335
Mohammad Ajmal Behmanish M.A.
Research Associate | Doctoral Candidate
Comparative Politics and European Integration
S3|12 537
Elisa Berg M.A.
Research Associate / Doctoral Candidate
Research Training Group KRITIS, Comparative Politics and European Integration
+49 6151 16-28560
S4|22 301
Nils Bruch M.A.
Research Associate | Doctoral Candidate
Comparative Politics and European Integration
+49 6151 16-57292
S3|12 442
Dr. Alice Engel (geb. Knauf)
Research Associate (absent)
Comparative Politics and European Integration
S3|12 544
Lucas Flath M.A.
Research Associate
Comparative Politics and European Integration
+49 6151 16-57338
S3|13 334
Dr. Jörg Kemmerzell
Research Associate
Comparative Politics and European Integration, Institut for Political Science
+49 6151 16-57422
S3|12 542
Niklas Klüh M.A.
Research Associate | Doctoral Candidate
Comparative Politics and European Integration
+49 6151 16-57431
S3|12 442
Mile Mišić M.Sc.
Research Associate
Junior Research Group Clean Circles, Comparative Politics and European Integration
+49 6151 16-57326
S3|13 336
Andreas Mottl M.A.
Research Associate / Doctoral Candidate
Research Training Group KRITIS, Comparative Politics and European Integration
+49 6151 16-28577
S4|22 306
Dr. Christine Quittkat
Research Associate
Comparative Politics and European Integration
S3|12 544
Nikola Radojičić M.A.
Research Associate
Junior Research Group Clean Circles, Comparative Politics and European Integration
S3|13 336
Picture: IfP
Nicole Ungermann
Admin. Assistant Prof. Knodt / Prof. Stecker
Comparative Politics and European Integration, Political System of Germany and Comparative Government
+49 6151 16-57354
S3|12 438
Dr. Eva Platzer
Research Associate | Doctoral Candidate
Research Training Group KRITIS, Comparative Politics and European Integration
Katharina Kleinschnitger M.A.
Research Associate | Doctoral Candidate | Project consultant PaEGIE | Program Area Coordinator emergenCITY | Managing Director AEI e.V.
Comparative Politics and European Integration
PD Dr. Veith Selk
Research Associate
Political Theory and History of Ideas
Dr. Kateryna Zarembo
Research Associate
Comparative Politics and European Integration