Dr. Jörg Kemmerzell
Research Associate
Working area(s)
Comparative Politics and European Integration, Institut for Political Science
work +49 6151 16-57422
S3|12 542
Residenzschloss 1
Jörg Kemmerzell works as a lecturer at the Institute of Political Science. He is also a senior researcher in the Kopernikus Project ARIADNE – Evidence-Based Assessment for the Design of the German Energy System Transformation at the Chair for Comparative Politics and European Integration (Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt).
Research interests
- Energy and climate policy
- Local and regional policy
- Comparative politics and methods, particularly QCA
- Political institutions
- Democracy Research and Theory of Democracy
WiSe 20234/25
02-03-0001-vl Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft (Vorlesung)
02-03-0002-ps Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft A
02-03-0002-ps Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft B
02-03-0008-ps Das politische System der BRD I C
02-03-0035-ko Forschungskolloquium für MA-Studierende (Kemmerzell)
02-23-0155-bs Begleitetes Selbststudium (Kemmerzell)
Consultiation hours
For consultation appointments (via Zoom or in office if requested) please contact me via mail: kemmerzell@pg.tu-….
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