The research project “Linking National and International Administrations – Structures and Coordination” (LINK) is part of the DFG research group “International Administration. Origin and Development of Administrative Patterns and their Influence on International Policymaking”.
Assuming that international public administrations (IPAs) act within a multi-level administrative structure, the project focuses on the relationships between international and national administrations. This perspective is based on the observation that emerging patterns of global governance evolve and operate in close interaction with national institutions of government, in particularly public bureaucracies. As a consequence, the effects of administrative policy making are felt across many levels, and international administrations should be organized accordingly, establishing appropriate linkage structures with national administration.
It is the aim of the research project to identify distinct patterns of multi-level administration and to explain the evolution and change of particular patterns for selected cases. In addition, it seeks to reveal how national and international administrations coordinate their policies.
During the first research phase, patterns of multi-level administrations will be identified by empirical research. Based on theoretical concepts of multi-level governance, a typology of inter-administrative relations will be elaborated. Empirical research will be conducted to test the appropriateness of this typology and to map the existing patterns of IPAs. Based on comparative case studies on national and internationall administrations in the field of energy policy, the existence and evolution of specific types of multi-level administration will be explained.
In the second phase, research will focus on the modes and effects of coordination in multi-level administrations. Based on theories of multi-level policy making, this phase seeks to discover the exact mechanisms of coordination in public administration and the conditions affecting their operation.
- Benz, Arthur, 2017: Kommunikative Verwaltungsbeziehungen zwischen Staaten und internationalen Organisationen – Zur Konstitution von Verwaltungsherrschaft jenseits des Staates; dms-der moderne staat 10 (2), 2017, 211-227.
- Benz, Arthur, 2017: Differentiating multi-level administration. Patterns of administrative co-ordination in the European Union; TARN working paper 4/2016, ARENA Center for European Studies, University of Oslo, 2016.
- Benz, Arthur, Corcaci, Andreas, Doser, Jan Wolfgang, 2016: Unravelling multi-level administration. Patterns and dynamics of administrative co-ordination in European governance; Journal of European Public Policy 23 (7), 999-1018.
- Benz, Arthur, Corcaci, Andreas, Doser, Jan Wolfgang, 2016: Multilevel Administration in National and International Contexts, in: Michael Bauer, Christoph Knill, Steffen Eckhard (eds.), International Bureaucracies: Challenges and Lessons for Public Administration Research, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 151-178.
- Doser, Jan Wolfgang, 2017: Verwaltungskoordination in Mehrebenensystemen. Strukturen und Prozesse im internationalen Kontext, Baden-Baden: Nomos.