Bild: A. Nakhratian

Anna Nakhratian M.A.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


Transnationales Regieren


Work S3|12 516
Residenzschloss 1
64283 Darmstadt

Anna Nakhratian is a historian working as a junior researcher on a project titled “Revi-siting the Roots of International Relations Theory: Jacques Novicow (1849-1912) on Anarchy, War and Pandemics”, supervised by Prof. Jens Steffek and funded by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. Situated between the disciplines of International Relations (IR) and intellectual history, the project aims at recovering and critically discussing the internati-onalism of the Russian sociologist and peace activist Jacques Novicow (1849-1912).


- History of ideas

- Intellectual history

- History of international relations

- History of senses

Since 10/2022 Technische Universität Darmstadt, Research Associate
2021-2022 M2 Master recherche Histoire contemporaine des Relations internationales et des Mondes étrangers in Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France
Final project „Le charme indiscret du parfum français : la géométrie des échanges franco-soviétiques dans le domaine de la parfumerie pendant la Guerre Froide, années 1960-1970“, supervised by Professor Marie-Pierre Rey
2019-2021 M1 in history in Collège universitaire français de Moscou – Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Final project „Parfum socialiste à l’époque du Dégel : l’industrie de la parfumerie soviétique face aux années 1950-1960“, supervised by Professor Marie-Pierre Rey
2009-2014 MA in linguistics at the Moscow Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia.
Final project „Prosody in the lyrical poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke on the example of “Die Sonette an Orpheus„“, supervised by Assosiate Professor J. Nerssessian