  Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr. Christian Stecker
Chair | Managing Director of the Institut for Political Science
Comparative Politics and German Government
+49 6151 16-57355
S3|12 437
Academic staff
Dominic Burghartswieser M. A.
Research Associate
Comparative Politics and German Government, Institut of political Science
S3|12 515
Dr. Christina-Marie Juen
Research Associate (leave of absence)
Comparative Politics and German Government
+49 6151 16-57345
S3|12 538
Andreas Küpfer M.Sc.
Research Associate
Comparative Politics and German Government
S3|12 515
Administrative staff
Picture: IfP
Nicole Ungermann
Admin. Assistant Prof. Knodt / Prof. Stecker
Comparative Politics and European Integration, Political System of Germany and Comparative Government
+49 6151 16-57354
S3|12 438
  Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr. Arthur Benz
Retired Professor
Comparative Politics and German Government
Franziska Krauß
Admin. Assistant Prof. Knodt | Prof. Benz
Comparative Politics and European Integration
Anne Reiff M.A.
Research Associate
Comparative Politics and German Government