Vladyslav Andrushko M.A.
Research Associate / Doctoral Candidate
S4|22 310
Landwehrstr. 48A
Vladyslav Andrushko is a Ukrainian scholar from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine. He has two masters’ degrees (political science and law). The subject matter of his master’s thesis for both degrees encompassed the examination of lobbying and advocacy technologies inside Ukraine and various international organisations. His doctoral research in Ukraine, which was interrupted because of the war, focused on the examination of political discourse analysis and potential ways for enhancing its effectiveness, including the exploration of political code analysis as a viable approach.
Vladyslav Andrushko is now engaged in a research project titled “Changing Standards of Governance and their Impact on Political Decision-making in Ukraine” under the DFG Research Training Group (RTG) on “Standards of Governance.” The study is under the supervision of Professor Dr. Jens Steffek. The purpose of the project is to integrate the individual’s expertise in Ukrainian and International political spheres with sophisticated qualitative methodologies, such as political discourse analysis and political code analysis.
Vladyslav Andrushko possesses professional experience in both the Ukrainian Parliament and various international NGOs.
Research interests
Political theory and methodology (discourse analysis)
Political philosophy
International law and governance
PR and GR technologies