since 06/2021
Member of the team of Gender Equality Officers at the Department of Social and Historical Sciences, TU Darmstadt
since 07/2022
Research associate in the research project “Municipal decision-making on housing and sustainability (HOUSUS)”
Research associate in the research project of the BMBF "How Europeans understand reciprocity, fairness and cohesion at the TU Darmstadt
Research associate in the German-Greek research project of the BMBF “Conditions for Institutional and Cultural Innovation in German and Greek cities” at the TU Darmstadt
Studies in Governance and Public Policy at TU Darmstadt, Degree: Master of Arts (with distinction), Thesis: “Between quota and path dependency. The political participation of women at the local level in a European comparison”
Research assistent at the Research Unit “Comparative Politics and European Integration” (Head: Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt) at the Institute of Political Science at TU Darmstadt
Research assistent at the Bologna Resource Center of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “EU in Global Dialogue” (CEDI), Prof. Dr. Michèle Knodt and in the third-party project “Kopernikus: eNavi”, funded by Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Research assistant for the project “Local Housing Policy in Germany”, lead by Prof. Dr. Björn Egner
Student Advisory Service at the Insitute of Political Science at TU Darmstadt
Research assistant at the research Unit “Methods of Political Science and Theories of Science” (Head: Prof. Dr. Björn Egner) at the Institute of Political Science at TU Darmstadt
Studies in Political Science at TU Darmstadt, Degree: Bachelor of Arts, Thesis: “Does municipal size matter? An empirical analysis of the electoral probability of mayoral candidates in the municipalities of Hesse and Saxony”
Head of a tutorial on the introduction to scientific work