To answer this question, i.e. to identify these conditions, a comparison of five German and five Greek cities is carried out. These cities are selected because they are perceived by the respective local community as well as in the German resp. Greek debate as success cases of innovation in local government and local civil society.
From this perspective it is also reasonable to define innovation not in an abstract and general way but to contextualise the definition of innovation, i.e. to take the notion (meaning) of innovation seriously into account which has emerged in the context of a given case (the city or the particular country). Such an approach requires a qualitative research.
Research findings will be concrete outcomes (like reflections about the formation, functioning and effects of networks, as for example ‘Innovathens’ or ‘Impact Hub’ in Greece). These findings will be discussed and disseminated in both countries with partners who have strong links to possible end-users (municipalities and other local actors). Furthermore, dissemination is also planned across a wider international context – such as countries in the Black Sea region and China.
Name | Working area(s) | Contact | |
![]() Picture: IfP
| apl. Prof. Dr. Björn Egner Chair | Methodology in Political Science and Philosophy of Science | bjoern.egner@tu-... +49 6151 16-57339 S3|12 443 |
![]() | Prof. Dr. Hubert Heinelt Retired Professor | Public Administration, Public Policy and Local Politics | hubert.heinelt@tu-... +49 6151 16-57362 S3|12 443 |
![]() Picture: IfP
| Melina Lehning M.A. Research Associate | Methodology in Political Science and Philosophy of Science |
Sponsor: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Project duration: 04/2018-03/2021
Funding amount: € 415.000
- Book publication: German | English | Greek
- Policy paper: German (opens in new tab) | English (opens in new tab) | Greek (opens in new tab) )
- Practitioner's Handbook: German (opens in new tab) | English (opens in new tab) | Greek (opens in new tab)
- Documentation of the Workshop “Selbstbild und urbanes Potential: Wie Städte neue Wege gehen” (opens in new tab) (PDF), 17. Oktober 2019, Schader Forum Darmstadt (German)
- Publication: “Innovative cities: how to explain differences between cities? An answer based on an interpretive approach” (Urban Research and Practice)
- Publication: Conditions for innovation in German cities: the cases Offenbach am Main and Kassel in comparison (Urban Research and Practice)
- Publication: Necessity as the trigger of invention? The promotion of innovations in Athens and Elefsina (Urban Research and Practice)
Prof. Dr. Nikolaos-Komninos Hlepas, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Prof. Dr. Georgios Terizakis, Hessische Hochschule für Polizei und Verwaltung (HfPV)