Chair: International Relations


  Name Working area(s) Contact
Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer
International Relations
+49 6151 16-57342
S3|12 433
Academic staff
Picture: IfP
Eda Bülbül M.A.
Research Associate | Doctoral Candidate
Research Training Group "Standards of Governance", International Relations
S4|22 310
Tim Kornprobst M.A.
Research Associate
International Relations
Verena Lasso Mena M.A.
Research Associate
International Relations
S3|12 522
Fakhria Latifi
Research Associate
International Relations
S3|12 521
Dr. Jens Marquardt
Research Associate
International Relations
S3|12 533
Timo Alexander Richter M.A.
Research Associate | Doctoral Candidate
International Relations
+49 6151 16-57341
S3|12 533
Dorothea Elena Schoppek M.A.
Research Associate
International Relations
+49 6151 16-57341
S3|12 533
Najibullah Zaki M.A.
Research Associate
International Relations
S3|12 516
Florian Zenglein M.A.
Research Associate
International Relations
S3|12 517
Scholarship Holder
Sukanya Janardhanan
International Relations
S3|12 521
Ramsha Munir
scholarship holder
International Relations
S3|12 521
Ratna Priya Bysani
scholarship holder
International Relations
S3/12 521
Administrative staff
Martina Dingeldein M.A.
Admin. Assistant Prof. Lederer / Prof. Steffek
International Relations, Transnational Governance
+49 6151 16-57356
S3|12 432
  Name Working area(s) Contact
Jan OrtweinTopic of the PhD thesis: „Think Tanks im polyzentrischen Umfeld von klimapolitischen Maßnahmen in Deutschland und den USA“
Marcus Sanden . Topic of the PhD thesis: "Herausforderungen bei der Bereitstellung des Kollektivgutes Klima – Klima-Clubs als Antwort auf die immer wieder ins Stocken geratenen UNFCCC-Verhandlungen"
Anne von HohenthalTopic of PhD thesis: "The World Bank in the Climate Regime Complex. The formal and practical influence of the World Bank Group on Climate Change development funds."
  Name Working area(s) Contact
Picture: Icons8
Sherif Alaa M.A.
part-time lecturer
International Relations / Transnational Governance
Inès Bolaños Somoano M.A.International Relations, Transnational Governance
Picture: Icons8
Dr. Chris Höhne
Picture: Icons8
Mehmet Oezcan PhD
Part-time Lecturer
International Relations / Transnational Governance
Picture: Icons8
Rafael Rehm M.A.
part-time lecturer
Dr. Simone Wisotzki
part-time lecturer
International Relations / Transnational Governance